
This paper reports the effects of bias temperature stress (positive and negative bias temperature instabilites, PBTI–NBTI) on threshold voltage, input capacitance and Miller capacitance of N-Channel Power MOSFET. The device is stressed with gate voltage under precision temperature forcing system. The bias temperature cycling also induces instabilities N-Channel Power MOSFET. The gate charge characteristics have been investigated before and after stress. The capacitances (the drain–gate and drain–source capacitances) are shifted due to the degradation of device physical properties under different stress time and stress temperature conditions. Bi-dimensional simulations have been performed for the 2D Power MOSFET structure and accurately analyzed. Gate charge characteristics of the device have been correlated to physical properties to analyze mechanisms responsible of parameter degradations. It is shown that the main degradation issues in the Si Power MOSFET are the charge trapping and the trap creation at the interface of the gate dielectric performed by energetic free carriers, which have sufficient energy to cross the Si–SiO2 barrier.

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