Amac: Bu calisman amaci bifosfonata bagli cene kemiginin osteonekrozu (Bisphosphonate Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws [BRONJ]) tanisi konmus hastalarin, yapilan medikal ve cerrahi tedavileri sonra- sinda tedavilerinin basarisini gormek ve uzun donem takibin onemini vurgulamaktir. Gerec ve Yontem: BRONJ tanisi konulmus, altisi kadin ikisi erkek olmak uzere 8 hastanin ilac ve cerrahi tedavileri ve uzun donem klinik ve radyolojik takip sonuclari degerlendirilmistir. Ruggiero ve arkadaslari- nin olusturdugu evrelendirmeye gore vakalar evrelen- dirilmis ve tedavileri yapilmistir. Hastalarin ucu osteo- poroz (biri intravenoz, ikisi oral yoldan), kalan besi malignite (intravenoz yoldan) nedeneniyle bifosfonat kullanmaktadir. Bulgular: Hastalar 8 ila 43 ay arasinda degisen, ortalama 23.8 aylik sureyle bifosfonat grubu ilac almislardir. Hastalarin ortalama yaslari 61.2 ve tedavi sonrasi ortalama takip sureleri ise 12.5 aydir. , 8 vakanin besi evre 3, diger ucu ise evre 2 olarak deger- lendirilmistir. Evre 3 hastalarin hicbirinde, medikal ve cerrahi tedavi sonrasi belirtilen takip suresince klinik ve radyolojik olarak BRONJ rekurrensi gorulmemistir. Evre 2 vakalarda ise ilac tedavisi sonrasi hastalik semptomatik olarak kontrol altina alinmistir. Sonuc : Sonuc olarak uygulanan bu tedavi protokolu ve bu calismaya dahil edilen vakalardan elde edilen veriler, cerrahi tedavinin gerektiginde uygun zamanda yapilmasinin onemini guclendirmistir. Ayrica hiperbarik oksijen tedavisinin BRONJ vakalarinda yardimci tedavi yontemlerinden biri olarak dusunulebilecegi soylene- bilir. Bifosfonat kullanim nedenleri hastalarin cerrahi ya da medikal yolla tedavi edilmelerinde direkt olarak etkili olmamistir. Anahtar kelimeler: Bifosfonat, cene osteonekrozu, hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi LONG TERM FOLLOW UP OF PATIENTS WITH BISPHOSPHONATE RELATED OSTEONECROSIS OF THE JAWS AFTER MEDICAL AND SURGICAL TREATMENT ABSTRACT Aim: The aim of this study is to observe the success of medical and surgical treatment of the patients who have been diagnosed as the bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ) and emphasize the importance of long term follow up of these patients. Material and Methods: The medical and surgical treatments and long term clinical and radiological follow ups of 8 BRONJ cases, of whom 6 women and 2 men, were evaluated in this study. All cases were staged according to a staging system that was imple- mented by Ruggiero et al. and treated accordingly. Three of the patients (one intravenously and two orally) were on bisphosphonate due to osteoporosis and five of them (intravenously) due to malignant diseases. Results: Patients were on bisphosphonate for an interval of 8 to 43 months with a mean time period of 23.8 months. The mean age of the patients was 61.2 and the mean postoperative follow up time was 12.5 months. According to Ruggiero et al BRONJ staging, 5 of 8 cases were at stage-3 and the rest of them were at stage-2. None of the stage-3 cases that were treated medically and surgically showed any BRONJ recurrence clinically and radiographically during their follow up periods. Also, all three stage-2 BRONJ cases were kept under control symptomatically with medical treatment protocol. Conclusion: As a conclusion, the treatment protocol and outcome data of this study on BRONJ cases have reinforced the importance of surgical treatment that is performed at an appropriate time. Also it is possible to emphasize that hyperbaric oxygen treatment can be an adjuvant treatment method for BRONJ cases. The reason of bisphosphonate usage of these patients did not directly have any effect on either they treated surgically or medically. Key Words: Bisphosphonate, jaw osteonecrosis , hyperbaric oxygen treatment
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