
The present study examines happiness and culture from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective. Addressing cultural barriers and aligning institutional values with cultural norms is crucial. Developing and precisely measuring a framework for a healthy culture can enhance wellness initiatives at work and foster inclusive workplaces. The cultural viewpoint on employee well-being and the effects of culture on relationships and values must thus be explored through research. Five research questions were designed to answer this purpose: 1) What is the relationship between happiness and culture in various settings? 2) What are the commonalities and differences across the studies? 3) What is the role of culture in promoting employee well-being and happiness? 4) What factors influence this relationship? 5) What are the limitations of the studies and the need for further research? The systematic literature search was conducted using the Web of Science, and the included studies were synthesized using a narrative synthesis approach. The studies demonstrate a complex relationship between happiness and culture in various settings. The research reveals that cultural differences significantly shape employees' perceptions of happiness and the factors impacting their subjective well-being at work. The findings indicate that cultural norms and values influence how employees express and regulate emotions in customer service interactions and the workplace. The research also suggests that the relationship between happiness and culture is complex and can be influenced by factors within and outside the employee. However, the studies have limitations, such as lack of generalizability, and may not fully account for other factors that can impact happiness and culture in the workplace.

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