
Writing is a crucial output skill that requires various sub-skills, including thinking, analysis, reasoning, arguing, processing, drafting, and concluding. Better writing skills empower a person to convey their message successfully and present or systematically record their ideas. Teachers can teach writing skills as a process rather than a product, which cannot be developed in a semester or program. Teaching writing skills in Saudi Arabia can be challenging due to cultural and linguistic differences (Al-Seghayer,2019). However, paper-based and electronic portfolios can be valuable tools for students to develop their writing skills (Al Badi et al., 2020). The Preparatory Year Program (PYP) at Royal Commission Colleges & Institutes (RCYCI) emphasises writing skills for EFL students and has transitioned from paper-based to online e-portfolios using Blackboard learning platforms. This study involved 970 first-year, second-semester ENG 002 students from the English Department of the RCYCI. Students received writing training using a paper-based portfolio (pre-mid-term) and an e-portfolio (post-mid-term) on Blackboard software. The quantitative data analysis revealed that students’ writing quality significantly improved when taught using the Blackboard-assisted e-portfolio compared to the paper-based portfolio class.

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