
This study has been narrowed down to reveal aparadox. here the vanguard of cul-ture and civilization - which is regarded as young people of the twenty-first century – is embroiled in adiscourse of exclusion: economic, political and cultural life. in secondary school programs and high schools we do not find specific references and studies, pri-marily based on the needs of students, about the theory of popular culture and cultural education in the area of pop culture. The paradox of exclusion of mainstream culture from educational discourse is schizophrenic. The political exclusion of young people of the xxicentury i consider all the disparaging scientific discourse, which skips the actual media and communication competence of young people. Prosumers, cognitar-chy, digital natives, C-generation – they are for the modern economy “Silicon Valley” - their market power to exclude is already unstoppable. in other areas it remains to be considered whether excluding young people from the cultural discourse will not deprive our future teachers and translators of the next civilization revolution of social reality...


  • Most mentioned conditions in the literature of social exclusion are economic, political and cultural inabilities to participate in social life

  • Writing about the young people of the twenty-first century, we could discuss each of these issues because, as Antonina Kłoskowska accurately notes: “youth is the period during which the individual life history intersects with History” (Kłoskowska 1987, p. 132)

  • The vanguard of culture and civilization - which is regarded as young people of the twenty-first century – is embroiled in a discourse of exclusion: economic, political and cultural life

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Cultural exclusion and socialization in pop culture

Youth is the period of formation of the moral powers, to ask the first questions about the meaning of existence and the struggle for the autonomy of one’s own philosophy This intellectual - emotional ferment is the soil out of which society attempts to “sow” seeds of ideas, norms, rules and principles of coexistence. At the most general level is to gain these competencies and skills that are necessary for social existence, and of life among others, in cooperation with others. It is a kind of cultural minimum required of all men” The paradox of exclusion of mainstream culture from educational discourse, as rightly observed by Witold Jakubowski, is schizophrenic

Political exclusion in civilization of media
Economic exclusion?
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