
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is an awareness program launched by Govt. of India to save the girl child in India from 2015. It aims at ensuring their safety and also to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality in society and educate girls. This programme promotes balanced sex ration, good health of the girl child and equal opportunities for girls in families, schools and in the economy. This scheme aims to create a society where daughters are respected and given equal opportunities. Women in India are considered inferior than men since ages. Since the status of women in society is low, people want a male child instead of a girl child. This escalates the problem of female foeticide. Female foeticide is the termination of female foetus from the womb of mother through abortion in illegal manner. To put an end to this evil practice awareness among people is needed. As the child sex Ration is decreasing day by day in India, Govt. of India started this programme on 22nd January, 2015. Empowering daughter for a bright future is a vital pursuit in our quest for gender equality and social progress. By providing equal opportunities, access to education and a supportive environment we aim to create a world where every daughter can realize her full potentials and contribute to a more equitable and prosperous socially.

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