
Female foeticide is a shockingly widespread practice in India, and a particularly severe type of killing girls occurs on a regular basis, even before they are born.1 Approximately, one million women are killed every year in India due to female foeticide or the selective termination of female foeticide and this rate is still increasing. India is a vast country with different religions and culture and thus women become subject to inequality along with the denial of right to born. Can we answer that why so many families in India still want boys and not girls to be born in their families? Women in India are forced to abort female foeticides. Female feticide is stimulated by a diversity of circumstances; one of them is the responsibility to pay the dowry to the future family of her in-laws. Girls are usually considered as a burden both socially and economically, whereas on the other had sons are considered as someone who will continue the family chain and strong to safeguard the family. Prenatal sex detection technologies are generally exploited, by misusing these technologies for target killing of female child in the womb. This target killing of girl child is illegal and offence by the law. Female infanticide has existed in India since a long time, but the female foeticide is comparatively new and came into picture in the late 1990s with modifications in sex determining techniques in the country. In our country the practice of aborting a child is permitted, but aborting the pregnancy just because the foetus is a gild is illegal and not permitted. And if someone is found committing this crime he/she shall be punished with strict rules and laws. But these laws and rules are not enough as this trend is still in practice, in this research paper we will talk about these issues in detail.

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