
Occupational contact urticaria with suspected allergic rhinitis due to sensitization to Cannabis sativa Case Presentation: A customs employee presented with complaints of allergic rhinitis related to the workplace. Results: Allergy diagnostics (rub test, prick test, specific IgE) revealed evidence of allergies to cannabis sativa and environmental allergens. Measures: The suspected presence of occupational disease no. 4301 was reported to the insurer. The avoidance of exposure to allergens was advised. Conclusions: In the future, due to changes in the legal situation, more persons in cultivation, production, distribution, the health sector, forensic laboratories and law enforcement agencies will come into contact with cannabis sativa in the workplace. Allergies may develop, but to date there are no commercially available type I allergy diagnostics related to cannabis products. Further health effects of occupational exposure and necessary preventive measures are unclear. Keywords: occupational allergy – Cannabis sativa – occupational disease no. 4301

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