
Mother Courage and her Children is one of the great theatrical productions during the Second World War . It represents Bertolt Brecht’s serious attempt to criticize war and capitalism at a time when cruel dictators such as Hitler were shedding blood mercilessly . This study concentrates on Brecht’s major issues and his moral concerns that he tackles in Mother Courage and her Children. We’ll try to show how and why Brecht attacks war and its consequences . The study consists of three sections. Section I is an introduction in which some light is shed on Brecht’s contribution to the epic theatre. It is also talks briefly about Brecht’s artistic d evelopment and his achievements. Section II is devoted to the critical analysis of Mother Courage and her Children in relation to Brecht’s major concerns in this play . Some close references to the play are made to support our argument . To enrich our analysis some critical views are investigated . Section III gives a conclusion to the whole study and sums up its findings .

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