
Let $A_n= \varepsilon_n \cdots \varepsilon_1$, where $(\varepsilon_n)_{n \geq 1}$ is a sequence of independent random matrices taking values in $ GL_d(\mathbb R)$, $d \geq 2$, with common distribution $\mu$. In this paper, under standard assumptions on $\mu$ (strong irreducibility and proximality), we prove Berry-Esseen type theorems for $\log ( \Vert A_n \Vert)$ when $\mu$ has a polynomial moment. More precisely, we get the rate $((\log n) / n)^{q/2-1}$ when $\mu$ has a moment of order $q \in ]2,3]$ and the rate $1/ \sqrt{n} $ when $\mu$ has a moment of order $4$, which significantly improves earlier results in this setting.

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