
As district of which has been declared as Urban Archaeological Site is surrounded by areas defined as Arcaheological Site in 1st. 2nd and 3rd degrees and city has developed towards sout and east in accordance with topography, fabric of that should be protec­ted has survived today without much destruction. ancient town center and its neighborhood where a work on inventory of cultural he­ritage has been carried out was defined as an urban-archeological also surrounded by sites in 1st 2nd and 3rd degrees by Cultural and Natural Conservation Council in 1983 The borders of archeological area of were drawn m Urban Plan of 1968 and have reached borders today after revisi­ons made by Cultural and Natural Conservation Council number 2 of Izmir in 1993, 1994, 1996 and 2002 after having been registered in 1984. Although has been declared an ur­ban site and archaeological site in 1983; urban site and the conditions for const­ruction in transition period have been declared by Cultural and Natural Conservation Co­uncil number 2 of Izmir on November 7, 2001. The preservation plan is still being prepared by Architectural Survey & Restoration Department oi Municipality. The work that was conducted in this district, has ma­de some contributions such as addition of unre­gistered buildings that need to be protected in preservation plan proposal and also a proposal for their registration by Cultural and Natu­ral Conservation Council number 2 of Izmir. So it has also been tried to turn inventory workshop on Bergama Urban Cultural Heritage into a practical profit in aspect of conservation in a short time besides contribution to Cul­tural Inventory Project of Turkey aimed by Tur­kish Academy of Sciences {TUBA} With its fabric that needs SO be protected spreading over an area starting with Hellenistic period, as city of Bergama, whole of which is an urban site', sets a different example in inventory work of cultural heri­tage by Turkish Academy of Sciences - Turkey's Cultural Sector (TUBA-TUKSEK) with this characteristic. The two districts in south and north of Berga­ma Stream differ from each other in aspect of topography and architecture. The ho­uses with outer halls that were built wide apart from each other are common m southern part of Stream flowing through center of city. The traditional are rare and Western influenced built on a continu­ous line dating from late 19th century and The early 20th century are common in northern part of stream called Castle Region. For putting forward characteristics of civil architecture in and its development, two districts that differ from each other in as­pect of topography and architecture have been cho­sen. The development of civil architecture in Bergama, registered in inventory of cultural he­ritage can be understood when construction da­tes and architectural features of houses are handled together. The houses have either one or two-storeys. There are six examples of houses with outer hall and skylight that are told to be dating from The 18th century m written sources The houses that have been inventoried are either with outer hails (open or dosed) or inner halls (open or dosed). The inventory of 4 quarters m among 11 protected under cultural heritage of has been completed. The total number of blocks where inventory work has been carri­ed out is 15. A total number of 238 inventory forms have been filled out and plans of 124 houses have been drawn. 1296 black and white photographs, 360 color slides, 1550 digital photographs have been taken. This work has been conducted with The support of Municipality and Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.

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