
This research is a descriptive study of the phenomenon of Senjang art performance in the context of ceremonial events in the community of Sekayu city. This study used a qualitative approach, with data collection carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation, and data presentation techniques in the form of analytical descriptive writing. The results of this study are in the form of descriptions of the development of Senjang art in the city of Sekayu, and textual descriptions of the presentation of Senjang performances which include; the composition of the presentation of Senjang art, aspects of Senjang literary text, transcription of vocal music melodies, transcription of the main melody form of the musical instruments of Senjang, aspects of the players, the audience, and the place of the performance. Senjang is one of the traditional arts that has developed in Musi Banyuasin district, especially the city of Sekayu. Senjang is an oral literature of the type of pantun and talibun which in its presentation is combined with music and dance. This art has been inherited from generation to generation for a long time by the Musi Banyuasin community, especially the city of Sekayu. Senjang art initially only developed in Sungai Keruh sub-district, but over time this art began to develop in other areas around it, including in Babat Toman sub-district, Sanga Desa sub-district, and Sekayu district. In terms of the performance, Senjang is presented by telling rhymes spontaneously either singly (one person) or spoken by two people (usually in pairs) in an integrated manner, and accompanied by music. The accompaniment music in Senjang presentation usually uses a single organ, and there are some who use a single guitar, with the playing of short melodies that are repeated. In its presentation, the Senjang vocal music speech with accompanying musical instruments is not played simultaneously, but is played alternately.


  • Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif terhadap fenomena pagelaran seni senjang dalam konteks acara seremonial masyarakat kota Sekayu

  • This research is a descriptive study of the phenomenon of Senjang art performance

  • The results of this study are in the form of descriptions

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Senjang merupakan salah satu kesenian tradisional yang berkembang di kabupaten Musi Banyuasin khususnya kota Sekayu. Senjang adalah sastra lisan jenis pantun dan talibun yang yang dalam penyajianya dipadukan dengan musik dan tarian. Menurut Ghafar banyak jenis sastra lisan yang terdapat dalam masyarakat musi diantaranya adalah jampi, nyambai, renggonang, andai-andai, tenggutengguan, dan Senjang. Berdasarkan wawancara Sukma dengan Abdul Malik salah satu pemusik jidor, menjelaskan Pada awalnya, Senjang ditampilkan tanpa disertai oleh instrumen musik, kemudian disertai musik tradisional setempat yang sangat sederhana dan terbuat dari bahan alam. Perkembangan kesenian Senjang saat ini di juga dukung oleh peran pemerintah Musi Banyuasin dalam mempromosikan seni budaya daerah, salah satunya dengan mengadakan festival “Randik” yang diadakan setiap tahunnya, festival ini memperkenalkan seni budaya yang ada di Musi Banyuasin seperti tari, musik, pakaian adat, kuliner, dan kesenian Senjang. Dengan menggunakan metode ini hasil penelitian dideskripsikan dan dianalisis, yakni deskripsi tekstual berupa susunan pertunjukan, transkripsi musik instrumen dan musik vokal, teks sastra Senjang, pemain, penonton, dan tempat pertunjukan

Perkembangan Kesenian Senjang Di Kota Sekayu
Bagian penutup Senjang
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