
This paper presents a novel numerical tool for the bending analysis of thin and thick composite plates, including monolithic and sandwich structures. The formulation is developed within a displacement-based approach, where the Principle of Virtual Displacements (PVD) and the method of Ritz are adopted to derive the governing equations. The approach relies upon the Sublaminate Generalized Unified Formulation (S-GUF) as underlying kinematic theory describing the behavior across the plate thickness. Main idea of the S-GUF is to group the plies into a number of smaller units called sublaminates, each of them characterized by an independent, variable-kinematic theory. Continuity conditions between the sublaminates are enforced in strong form during the assembly procedure of the governing equations. The S-GUF appears particularly useful when theories of different order are needed to approximate the displacement field of different portions of the structure, such as in the case of sandwich panels. A number of test cases from the literature is discussed, and results are validated against exact 3D solutions. The results demonstrate the ability of the approach to obtain accurate results, both in terms of deformed shapes, and intra- and inter-laminar stress distributions. A set of novel results is also presented for future benchmarking purposes.

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