
In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi is a theological and acclaimed Open Access journal that serves as the official journal of the Reformed Theological Society (Gereformeerde Teologiese Vereniging). It has a broad coverage that promotes multidisciplinary, religious and biblical aspects of studies in the international theological arena, aiming to further Reformational Theology on a scientific basis. It encourages research that challenges traditional discourses within and between the fields of biblical, religious, social and human sciences as well as the constructive engagement with the natural sciences where applicable. The editorial board welcomes discussion articles related to the promotion and furtherance of reformational theology. All contributions are refereed anonymously by at least three other scholars who are recognised as specialists in the particular field of study and the comments of the referees are held in high esteem. English, Afrikaans and Dutch are the general languages of publication and articles in German will also be considered.


  • In die aanloop tot die herdenking van die 450-jarige bestaan van die Heidelbergse Kategismus in 2013, gee hierdie publikasie in besonder aandag aan die historiese oorsig oor die Kategismusprediking in die Nederlande oor ’n periode van meer as vier eeue

  • Het die Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika (GKSA) teruggekeer na die Dordtse Kerkorde met die bepaling in Artikel 68 dat die leerprediking elke Sondag moet geskied

  • Ook sy beklemtoning van die fokus wat pastorale en geestelike toespitsing van die leer van die Skrif in die Kategismus ontvang

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In die aanloop tot die herdenking van die 450-jarige bestaan van die Heidelbergse Kategismus in 2013, gee hierdie publikasie in besonder aandag aan die historiese oorsig oor die Kategismusprediking in die Nederlande oor ’n periode van meer as vier eeue. Book Title: ‘De eenvoudige Heidelberger ...!’ Een korte geschiedenis van de Catechismuspreek in Nederland How to cite this book review: Coetzee, C., 2013, ‘Belangrike publikasie oor Kategismusprediking’, In die Skriflig/In Luce Verbi 47(2), Art.

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