AbstractMass trapping of Ips sexdentatus (Boern.) with the synthetic pheromone Ipslure Previous field experiments in Maçka/Turkey forests demonstrated that pheromone traps baited with ipsdienol and cisverbenol were successful against Ips sexdentatus. However, before a mass trapping program using a commercially produced pheromone IPSLURE could be undertaken, it was necessary to test this material against I. sexdentatus.IPSLURE dispensers containing 1500 mg 2‐methyl‐3‐buten‐2‐ol, 70 mg (S)‐cis‐verbenol and 15 mg ipsdienol were placed in 10 funnel traps and 38 plastic window traps, respectively. During a six week period an average of 4024 I. sexdentatus beetles were caught in each funnel trap and 2292 beetles in each window trap, respectively. Additionally, 283 non target insects, representing seventeen different families, were also caught.ZusammenfassungEine Massenvermehrung von Ips sexdentatus in Nordost‐Anatolien bot Gelegenheit zu prüfen, ob die für Ips typographus erhältlichen Pheromon‐Dispenser auch zur Überwachung von Ips sexdentatus geeignet sind. Dies hat sich bestätigt. Trichterfallen sind effektiver als Fensterfallen. Zur Schonung der anderen Insekten kommen für eine routinemäßige Anwendung in der Praxis schwarze Flachtrichterfallen (Röchling‐Haren KG) in Betracht.
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