
Abstract A population of lonnbergi skuas (family Stercorariidae) was studied over December and January 1974–75 on Rangatira Island, Chatham group (44°22′S,176°11′W). The main aim was to compare the behavioural ecology of these birds with that of maccormicki skuas of Antarctica, and to assess the moderating effect of environment on habits. The skuas held extensive territories along the coast and in inland areas clear of forest and bracken. Five of the 11 study territories were occupied by trios of adult birds. A major effect of the vegetation was to reduce contact between neighbours on the ground at territorial boundaries, and most territorial defence was by aerial display and attack. Eggs were laid from late September, and chicks began flying in late December and January. This breeding schedule is about 2 months earlier than for lonnbergi at Signy Island or for skuas in Antarctica, but falls on a trend line of latitude against egg-laying when all populations are considered. Seventeen chicks were reared on...

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