
Both ethology and physiology can provide insights about stress conditions in wild animals during handling. Lama guanicoe (guanaco) is the major large herbivore inhabiting arid zones in Argentina. Since 2005, the Payún Matrú Cooperative, a business established and run by native people, has captured and handled guanacos for shearing at Payunia Reserve, Mendoza Province, Argentina, to market the species’ fibre for clothing and other products. The aim of our study was to evaluate the behavioural and physiological stress responses to handling of wild guanacos during these shearing activities. We evaluated stress conditions in guanacos by monitoring the frequency of agonistic behaviour in the holding corrals, following capture, the rate of vocalisation and agonistic behaviour during handling, and by estimating cortisol levels in handled animals. Crowding increased agonistic behaviour; this appeared to be related to dominance conflicts between males in the corrals. Time of corralling increased rate of agonistic behaviour and vocalisations during handling. The rate of behavioural stress responses was negatively related to cortisol levels in males; which may be due to animal fatigue or because behavioural stress responses may help mitigate physiological stress responses. Incorporating our results into animal welfare practices could help reduce stress conditions in wild guanacos. Our results suggest that both behavioural and physiological responses are important measures of stress in handled animals, and that behavioural stress responses cannot be used as a simple surrogate for glucocorticoid levels.

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