
This paper provides general overview on the development of biaxial behaviour of plain concrete and steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) under various types of loading conditions, namely, biaxial compression, biaxial tension-compression and biaxial tension. The biaxial behaviour including failure envelope, ultimate strength, failure mode and stress-strain relationship of plain concrete and SFRC are reported and compared. The effects of fibre volumetric fraction of fibre in SFRC on the biaxial behaviour are also discussed. Overall, previous researchers show that the inclusion of fibre enhance the biaxial behaviour of the concrete, agreed with the biaxial failure envelope developed. However, further experimental works and investigation is required to determine the relationship between the biaxial behaviour of SFRC and its fracture toughness, in addition to prove the analytical prediction of biaxial behaviour of SFRC especially in biaxial tension-compression and biaxial tension.

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