
Agricultural activity in Mozambique, with a special focus on the production of vegetables, is considered a fundamental activity for the improvement of the population's life in economic and social terms. This article aims to characterize the structure of the commercialization channels of the various commercial agents involved in the horticultural value chain, from informal, formal, mukheristas, importers and exporters. The methodology used followed a qualitative and quantitative approach, being a descriptive and exploratory research. For this, a stratified sample of at least 5 identified groups of eighty-four (84) elements of the horticultural value chain was used in order to assess their level of integration, and from there, it was determined how vertical constraints influence the efficiency of transactions in these same commercialization channels. The work was carried out in the southern region of Mozambique, in the provinces with the highest share of vegetable production, namely Maputo and Gaza. The results obtained indicate that, contrary to what is mentioned in the literature, the agents that were the object of study, generally, do not coordinate their transactions through contracts. Thus, it was possible to conclude that uncertainty affects transaction costs, as well as specific assets, namely associated with human resources and logistics.

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