
Diversity in Peru: 1 subfamily, 1 tribe, 2 genera, 4 species. Recognition: This small family has about 600 species world-wide. Adult. Body wide and flattened in Lophocaterinae, flat or conglobate in Peltinae and Rentonium-group, elongate and cylindrical in Trogossitinae. Body mostly bare or sparsely pubescent but sometimes also with tufts of setae, scales, dense pubescence or long hairs. Anterior margin of frons straight to very deeply emarginate, with two “horns” at sides. Antennal insertions partly covered by edge of frons or visible in dorsal view. Eyes not emarginate or posteriorly emarginate. Antennae 8–11-segmented, with conspicuous 1–3-segmented club or with widened distal antennomeres that may be distinctly asymmetrical in Trogossitinae. Mandible bidentate, rarely unidentate (Corticotomus). Male submentum with tuft of setae (ctenidium) in some Trogossitinae. Pronotum usually transverse in Peltinae and Lophocaterinae; elongate in some Trogossitinae (Nemozoma, Airora). Lateral carina almost always present, reduced only in some Trogossitinae (Corticotomus). Procoxa transverse. Coxal cavities internally open and externally closed (Trogossitinae) or widely open (Peltinae, Lophocaterinae). Elytra usually regularly punctate, with or without carinae. Metacoxae extending laterally to meet elytral epipleura. Wings usually present. Radial cell as long as wide or shorter than wide, sometimes very reduced or absent. Medial field with two to four veins, wedge cell and no medial fleck. Trochanters triangular. Femora sometimes clavate. Tibiae often with row of spines along outer side; apex of tibia with row of spines and two spurs (one of them hooked) or only with hooked spur or spurs reduced. Tarsi 5-5-5; basitarsus sometimes partially fused with tarsomere 2 and tarsal pattern seemingly 4-4-4 or 4-4-5; tarsomeres 1–4 never with membranous lobes; terminal tarsomere usually as long as combined length of tarsomeres 1–4; claws large, without denticles; empodium bisetose, strongly projecting. Abdomen with five or six ventrites. Aedeagus cucujiform, usually inverted. Tegmen usually with anterior ventral strut and two opposing dorsal struts, and composed of two or three parts. Penis with two anterior struts. Ovipositor lightly sclerotized, except for baculi, moderate in size with sparsely pubescent coxites and styli. Larva: Body elongate, cylindrical. Color white or pale, but sclerotized areas distinctly pigmented (head capsule, thoracic and abdominal terga, and urogomphi). Median endocarina usually present, usually extending between frontal arms. Frontal arms V-shaped, straight (Trogossitinae, Lophocaterinae) or curved (Peltinae). Five stemmata usually present and arranged in a pattern with two anteriorly and three in a posterior row. Mandibles bidentate; mola absent (Trogossitinae, part of Lophocaterinae) or present (Peltinae, part of Lophocaterinae. Prothorax usually with one large dorsal sclerite. Mesoand metathorax usually with pair of sclerites

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