
Diversity in Peru: 1 subfamily, 1 genus, 1 species. Recognition: The adult beetles are immediately recognized by their very convex, tight and compact body, strongly deflexed head, transverse front coxae, and retractile antennae and legs. Tarsi are all pentamerous. Antennae are narrowly to moderately clavate. Flight wings are reduced or lacking. They are commonly called pill beetles, due to their compact appearance, and sometimes moss beetles because of their associations with bryophytes. Habitat: The known specimens of Peruvian byrrhid are from high elevations, probably in mosses among grasses and broken rock. Lowland species of South America remain unknown for Peru. Elsewhere, most species are bryophagous. Notes: We report here the first record of the family Byrrhidae from Peru, based on two specimens that were both collected at high elevations: Specimen 1: PERU: JU. Carhuamayo, La Victoria 10u51959.50/75u569200 4384 m, 15–16.iv.2012, I. Galindo y J. Grados [1 male, MUSM]. Specimen 2: PERU: Junin, 30.xi.78, R. Aloana/EEASC 72–78/Peru [1, USNM]. There are no described byrrhids from Peru or elsewhere in the central or northern Andes, or Amazonia. The most recent summary of six species representing five genera of South American byrrhids is Blackwelder (1944), who repeated the taxa listed by Dalla Torre (1911). Most reports of byrrhids in South America are from forests of southern Chile and the Falkland Islands. The exception is Reichardt (1974, 1975) who reported Chaetophora striata (Pic) and C. monnei (Reichardt) from southern Brazil and Uruguay. Based on above reports, it can be predicted that presently unreported taxa of Chaetophora can be expected in lowland areas of Peru, where they will probably be attracted to lights. As indicated above, montane species remain undescribed. Johnson (2002) gave a general overview of the biology of the family.

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