
In this paper, I shall reconstruct the stay in Italy of James Gregory (1638–1675), Regius professor of mathematics at St Andrews. According to a standard account, Gregory spent four years (1664–1668) in Padua, as Stephano degli Angeli's student. However, this claim is problematic. First, Gregory's stay in Padua is confirmed only for the years 1667–1668. Second, the existence of a partial scribal copy of Vera quadratura circuli, ellipseos et hyperbolae in sua propria specie inventa et demonstrata, Gregory's debut work in the domain of quadrature problems, as well as a number of letters preserved at the National Library of Florence, suggest that relations between Gregory and Italian mathematicians were more complex and varied than have been suspected. On the basis of new, albeit scarce, textual evidence, I shall advance a few conjectures regarding scholars and philosophers that Gregory could have met in Padua, Rome and perhaps Florence.

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