
New developments of beam diagnostic devices and methods at the cooler synchrotron and storage ring COSY at the Forschungszentrum Julich are described. A Schottky-pickup was tested and installed. The new pickup consists of four diagonally arranged plates which can be combined by means of relays to measure either in the horizontal or in the vertical plane. A new method for resonant tuning of the Schottky-pickup for transversal measurements was realized. A tune meter was developed for real-time tune measurements in the acceleration ramp and is used as routine diagnostic tool. Based on the developed bunch synchronous tracking generator an on-line phase space measurement was realized. For beam profile measurements a residual-gas ionization beam profile monitor was installed in the COSY-ring and tested. To measure the beam quality in case of fast and slow extraction a universal spill detector was developed and tested in the extraction beam line.

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