
Abstract Feedforward multilayer perceptron models (MLPs) have been applied to power distribution system state estimation (DSSE) in the past. Existing methods usually employ an ad-hoc or trial and error approach to MLP hyperparameter selection, and thus a systematic way of selecting the optimal hyperparameters including the number of neurons per hidden layer, learning rate, number of training epochs and training batch size is desirable and needed. This paper presents an approach based on Bayesian Optimization with Gaussian Processes for selecting MLP model hyperparameters for state estimation purposes. Results of the optimized MLP models are presented alongside the unoptimized models to compare performance of training, testing, and validation in terms of root-mean-squared-error (RMSE). Additionally, machine learning pipelines were employed and total execution time (seconds) for each trial is presented. The study shows that the MLP models obtained through the proposed optimization method outperform unoptimized models in terms of generalization capability for unseen, new cases.

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