
Ibotenic acid lesions were made in four macaque monkeys in a region of cortical area V4 that corresponds to the lower quadrant of one hemifield. For visual testing, fixation locus was monitored with scleral search coils and controlled behaviorally to place test stimuli either in the lesioned quadrant or in a control location in the opposite hemifield. Some basic visual capacities were slightly altered by the lesions; there was a two-fold reduction of luminance contrast sensitivity as well as red-green chromatic contrast sensitivity, both tested with stationary gratings. On the other hand, little or no loss was found when contrast sensitivity for detection or direction discrimination was tested with 10-Hz drifting gratings nor was there a reliable change in visual acuity. Hue and luminance matching were tested with a spatially more complex matching-to-sample task, but monkeys could not learn this task in the visual field locus of a V4 lesion. If previously trained at this locus, performance was not affected by the lesion. In contrast to the small effects on basic visual capabilities, performance on two form discrimination tasks was devastated by V4 lesions. The first involved discriminating the orientation of colinear groups of dots on a background of randomly placed dots. The second involved discriminating the orientation of a group of three line segments surrounded by differently oriented line segments. Some selectivity of the deficits for form discrimination was shown by the lack of an effect of the lesions on a global motion discrimination. These results show that while V4 lesions cause only slight disruptions of basic visual capacities, they profoundly disrupt form discriminations.

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