
Objective: Through analyzing the data and content of incoming calls from Suzhou psychological aid hotline from 2010 to 2020, this paper summarizes the hotline service situation and its development trend year by year, and understands the specific situation of hotline work and the demands of hotline callers. Methods: 25356 calls from Suzhou psychological assistance hotline from January 2010 to November 2020 were selected as the research objects. According to the data type, time and basic demographic information, the data were classified. Quantitative statistics and data analysis were used to analyze and study the data by SPSS. Results: 1. The main types of calls were mental and psychological (33.6%), followed by love (13.19%) and marriage and family problems (11.05%). 2. More electricity came from women (12,694 times) than from men (12,662 times); 3. There is seasonal fluctuation in the incoming electricity from the hotline, which is higher in the first and fourth quarters and less in the second and third quarters. Conclusion: Psychological hotline problems mainly focus on mental psychology, love, marriage and family problems, Incoming electricity has gender and seasonal differences and fluctuations, especially gender roles have an impact on the psychological troubles of visitors. Operators need to have professional knowledge in the above aspects and properly use the gender framework to provide psychological counseling and analysis to callers.

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