Research subject. The Prikolyma terrain located in the Northeastern part ofRussia constitutes a long-lived Precambrian thrust-faulted structure hosting numerous Cu, Pb and Zn deposits of different types.Materials and methods. The mineralization of the terrain was examined during a course of research and exploration works over the 2007–2012. The rock geochemistry was studied using ICP-OES analysis at the Stuart Geochemistry and Essay laboratory (Moscow). The microprobe analysis of minerals was carried out at the facilities of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Magadan) using a Camebax X-ray microanalyzer. The isotopic ratios of sulphur in sulphides were measured using a Finnigan MAT 253 isotope mass spectrometer.Results. The porphyry-copper deposit Nevidimka is represented by skarns and sulphide-quartz stockworks embedded in porphyry granites. The vein deposits Opyt and Glukhoye constitute sulphide-carbonate-quartz veins, the composition of which corresponds to copper-polymetallic ores of the peripheral parts of the copper-porphyry formation. These deposits feature a similar geochemistry and composition of sulphides and sulphur isotopes, which is characteristic of the Riphean complexes of the Prikolyma terrain. The stratiform Pb-Zn veins Nadezhda-3 and Khaya enclosed in Proterozoic dolomites represent parallel-bedding disseminated sulphides. The composition of these ores indicates their diagenetic origin. Tne stratiform copper deposit Oroyok is embedded in Proterozoic shales and can be referred to sediment-hosted copper deposits of a transgressive type.Conclusions. The diversity of Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization types in the Prikolyma terrain is established to have resulted from multiple cyclic changes of the geodynamic ore formation regime. During each such cycle, syngenetic mineralization was followed first by epigenetic and then by vein mineralization. The mobile, thrust-faulted structure caused repeated rejuvenation of ores, which inherited the geochemical features of hosting rocks.
The Prikolyma terrain located in the Northeastern part of Russia constitutes a long-lived Precambrian thrust-faulted structure hosting numerous Cu, Pb and Zn deposits of different types
The vein deposits Opyt and Glukhoye constitute sulphide-carbonate-quartz veins, the composition of which corresponds to copper-polymetallic ores of the peripheral parts of the copper-porphyry formation
The stratiform Pb-Zn veins Nadezhda-3 and Khaya enclosed in Proterozoic dolomites represent parallel-bedding disseminated sulphides
Штокверковые и жильные медно-полиметаллические рудопроявления достаточно широко развиты в пределах ПТ. На южном фланге рудопроявления среди терригенно-вулканогенных отложений рудные тела представлены сульфидно-карбонат-кварцевыми жилами мощностью до 1 м с пиритом, халькопиритом, сфалеритом. 1 – рыхлые четвертичные отложения; 2 – юрские вулканогенно-терригенные отложения; 3 – верхнепалеозойские известняки, сланцы, песчаники; 4 – рифейские филлиты; 5 – гранитоидные интрузии; 6 – разломы наблюдаемые (а), предполагаемые (б); 7 – рудопроявления (1 – Невидимка, 2 – Опыт); 8 – пункты минерализации: а – Cu-Pb-Zn, б – Ag. 1 – overburden; 2 – Jurassic sedimentary rock; 3 – Paleozoic limestone, shale and sandstone; 4 – Proterozoic shale; 5 – granites; 6 – faults (а), proposed faults (б); 7 – ore occurences (1 – Nevidimka, 2 – Opyt); 8 – points of mineralizaton: а – Cu-Pb-Zn, б – Ag. соответствует медно-полиметаллическим рудам периферических частей медно-порфировой формации.
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