
Exposure of two adjacent thymines in DNA to UV light of 260-320 nm can result in the formation of the cis,syn-cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD). The structure of DNA containing an intrahelical CPD lesion has been previously studied experimentally and computationally. However, the structure of the extrahelical, flipped-out, CPD lesion, which has been shown to be the structure that binds to the CPD repair enzyme, DNA photolyase, has yet to be reported. In this work the structure of both the flipped-in and the flipped-out CPD lesions in duplex DNA is reported. These structures were calculated using 8 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These structures are then used to define the starting and ending points for the base-flipping process for the CPD lesion. Using a complex, two-dimensional pseudodihedral coordinate, the potential of mean force (PMF) for the base-flipping process was calculcated using novel methodology. The free energy of the flipped-out CPD is roughly 6.5 kcal/mol higher than that of the flipped-in state, indicating that the barrier to flipping out is much lower for CPD than for undamaged DNA. This may indicate that the flipped-out CPD lesion may be recognized by its repair enzyme, DNA photolyase, whereas previous studies of other damaged, as well as nondamaged, bases indicate that they are recognized by enzymes in the intrahelical, flipped-in state.

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