
There is increasing pressure in higher education to integrate sustainability holistically in the curriculum, though confusion abounds as to how to go about it. Though many advocate for the greater inclusion of sustainability themes in the textile and apparel (TA) curriculum, little is known about the current state of progress toward implementation of this goal and how those on the front line, TA educators, are experiencing and navigating challenges. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding about how those on the front lines, TA educators, are currently experiencing and responding to the call to integrate. Results indicate that current progress toward this end is substantial, though not entirely strategic or coordinated. Chief barriers to integration included a lack of tangible resources and support, perceived content limitations, and the antithetical nature of fashion as well as personal barriers and student deficiencies. Nevertheless, the authors conclude that the future holds ample promise for the acceleration of integration if supported by mechanisms such as continuing education and professional development as well as some philosophical shifts within the discipline.

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