
Introduction: Spinal cord injury (SCI) individuals face challenges in community reintegration due to various factors. This study explores the barriers and facilitators affecting their reintegration, aiming to understand and address their diverse needs and challenges in different cultural contexts. Methods: The present qualitative study was conducted between December 2021 to June 2022 among 71 SCI individuals as data saturation was achieved. Data was collected via structured in-depth interview. Participants were identified through purposive sampling method, admitted, or visited to rehabilitation center, India. Data was analyzed according to Braun and Clarke’s thematic analysis method using MAXQDA 2020. Results: Data analysis led to the emergence of four major themes and several sub-themes specific to the single problem domain. The four major themes of barriers included environmental, cultural, psychological and health-related barriers. However, four facilitators (Family support, financial stability, religious practices, friends and leisure activity) came up which may help in overcoming from the challenges faced by the SCI individuals. Conclusion: People with SCI face various problems in their care, management and social lives. It is important to give attention to their needs along with comprehensive health support and strengthen the patient-provider interaction. This may generate a sense of self efficacy, self-esteem and promotes the mental well-being of people with spinal cord injuries. Working on the above mentioned issues can help SCI people in low- and middle-income countries become more integrated into their communities.

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