
Baron Roman F. von Ungern-Sternberg (1886–1921) was famous White Army warlord of the Russian Civil War. In 1921, he liberated Outer Mongolia from Chinese occupation and restored her independence. In publications he is often called the God of War, the White God of War, etc. Possible reasons for these designations are analyzed in this paper. It seems that sporadic information in memoirs and some memories still existing in Mongolia, which serves as the basis for this, may be corresponded with the data of Mongolian scholar B. Rinchen, which remain little known so far. Comparison of his information with other data speaks in favor of the association with Gesar considering the God of War, because the appearance of Ungern (“the White Hero”), advancing with his troops from the north, liberated Outer Mongolia and, in particular, her capital city, whose patron is Dharmapala Jamsaran, who was associated with Gesar in some Buddhist representations of the Mongols. In addition, the association with Gesar was promoted by the goal repeatedly proclaimed by Ungern, the restoration of the Manchu Emperor, whose patron was considered Gesar. Finally, Ungern could be associated with Gesar also because in Mongolia and in the campaign to Siberia, the Baron was lightly wounded only once or twice, although he participated in many battles. Narrative data are discussed.

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