
The purpose of the present study is to test whether Taylor's series expansion can be used to solve the problem associated with the functional form of bankruptcy prediction models. To avoid the problems associated with the normality of variables, the logistic model to describe the insolvency risk is applied. Taylor's expansion is then used to approximate the exponent of the logistic function, or the logit. The cash to total assets, cash flow to total assets, and shareholder's equity to total assets ratios operationalize the factors affecting the insolvency risk. The usefulness of Taylor's model in bankruptcy prediction is evaluated applying the logistic regression model to the data from the Compustat database. The classification accuracy in the test data for the first and second years before bankruptcy show that the classification accuracy of a simple financial ratio model can be increased using the second-order and interaction terms of these ratios. However, in the third year, for the test data, Taylor's expansion is not able to increase the classification accuracy when compared with the first-order model.

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