
Banda Singh Bahadur, who took up the sword against the Mughals in the 18th century, marched from Nanded towards Punjab after taking the orders of Guru Gobind Singh ji. In which he faced many difficulties but he faced these difficulties with his martial arts and intelligence. After the death of Aurangzeb, the Mughal Empire began to decline and his weak successors could not handle the Mughal Empire this benefited the rulers who were troubled by the exploitation of the Mughal Empire. In this, Banda Singh Bahadur also emerged as a ruler. Banda Singh Bahadur fought on small areas of the Mughals and took his right, in which he kept getting success and he kept moving forward. The biggest achievement of Banda Singh Bahadur was the Battle of Sirhind. Banda Singh Bahadur did all the political-administrative work during his rule.

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