
A variant of the well known Vicsek model of the collective motion of a group of agents has been studied where the range of interactions are spatially quenched and non-overlapping. To define such interactions, the underlying two dimensional space is discretized and is divided into the primitive cells of an imaginary square lattice. At any arbitrary time instant, all agents within one cell mutually interact with one another. Therefore, when an agent crosses the boundary of a cell, and moves to a neighboring cell, only then its influence is spread to the adjacent cell. Tuning the strength of the scalar noise η it has been observed that the system makes a discontinuous transition from a random diffusive phase to an ordered phase through a critical noise strength ηc where directed bands with high agent densities appear. Unlike the original Vicsek model here a host of different types of bands has been observed with different angles of orientation and different wrapping numbers. More interestingly, two mutually crossed independent sets of simultaneously moving bands are also observed. A prescription for the detailed characterization of different types of bands have been formulated.

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