
Rural areas play an important role in the socioeconomic and environmental development of any state, as they focus on almost all agricultural activities, which are impossible without three components: economic, environmental and social. Therefore, our work is devoted to the development of economic relations in various industries (crop production, animal husbandry) in rural areas. An analysis of agricultural activity (crop production) in 2017–2020 by indicators: crop yield, sown area of crops and the number of agricultural products of own production sold by households. It is established that in 2020 the yield of agricultural crops decreased from 3.12% (sugar beet) to 9.31% (cereals and legumes), also decreased the sown area and the number of products sold. The analysis of agricultural activity (livestock) was conducted on the following indicators: the presence of farm animals, livestock products and sales of own products and showed a downward trend in 2020 compared to 2017. Thus, the presence of farm animals in 2020 decreased from 3.4% (cattle) to 20.04% of sheep), decreased the number of sold livestock products from 12.04% (eggs) to 20.04% (sheep); at the same time, the number of products increased. All this indicates that agricultural activity by industry in rural areas is gradually declining. In our opinion, the balanced development of agricultural activities in rural areas should be in harmony with environmental, social and economic components. It is also necessary to revive rural areas through the optimization of territorial organization.

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