
There were two controlling factors, which should be kept balance of raw input and energy during titanium slag smelting in closed high power direct current electric arc furnace, DC furnace for short. The first factor contains compositions and ratio of input raw materials. Compositions of the raw could influence the progress and technical indicators of DC furnace smelting, and on the meanwhile, it could determine the compositions of impurity and contents of TiO2 in titanium slag. On the other hand, the ratio of input infected the compositions of the slag, while too much anthracite would disadvantage to produce high quality slag because of impurity being reduced continually. Meanwhile much more low-state titanium would be generated. The second factor was an important one that energy equilibrium, which influence the production safety of DC furnace. It could keep balance of input and output energy, while the heatloss was 4.971 MVA. While the ratio of anthracite remained the same, the energy would effect slag viscosity and equilibrium of freeze lining directly. The energy input higher than smelting need would result in burnthrough of furnace wall and hearth, on the contrary, lower than smelting need would bring about slagging difficulties. Consequently, raw input and energy must be kept dynamic balance in order to achieve high quality titanium slag and protect freeze lining.

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