
Coal fly ash (CFA) can be used as a control agent of brown plant hopper (BPH) Nilaparvata lugens (Hemiptera; Delphacidae). This study was aimed to investigate the physiological disorders in BPH when exposed to CFA. The research was conducted by carrying out tests covering the mortality of BPH, measurement of BPH weight before and after CFA treatment, an analysis of the moisture content in BPH, an analysis of the BPH tissue, and a chemical analysis of BPH. The results of the study showed that the mortality rate of BPH after treatment was 71%. The physiological disorders due to CFA treatment was indicated by a 67.04% weight reduction as opposed to a 6.9% weight increase on the control specimens. The average moisture content of the treated BPH was significantly lower than that of the control specimens. CFA caused a shrinkage of body tissues and an increase in the contents of silica and alumina on BPH.


  • Wereng batang padi coklat (WBC), Nilaparvata lugens Stal, merupakan hama utama tanaman padi dan sering terjadi eksplosi yang menyebabkan gagal panen

  • This study was aimed to investigate the physiological disorders in brown plant hopper (BPH) when exposed to Coal fly ash (CFA)

  • The research was conducted by carrying out tests covering the mortality of BPH, measurement of BPH weight before and after CFA treatment, an analysis of the moisture content in BPH, an analysis of the BPH tissue, and a chemical analysis of BPH

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Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kimia Analitik, Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM); Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan, Fakultas Pertanian UGM; dan Pusat Studi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Hayati, UGM. Metode ini dilakukan dengan menimbang bobot segar satu individu brakhiptera WBC hidup umur 2 hari yang diambil menggunakan aspirator, ditimbang bobot awalnya (A), cara menimbangnya, yaitu seekor WBC dimasukkan dalam kapsul transparan, digunakan timbangan digital kepekaan 0,1 mg. Analisis jaringan WBC Gangguan fisiologis ditandai dengan kerusakan jaringan WBC, dibuktikan dengan pengamatan terhadap imago WBC yang mati akibat terpapar ATB dan kontrol. Mortalitas brakhiptera WBC yang diperlakukan dengan ATB mencapai 71% pada 72 jam setelah pemaparan, sedangkan kontrol tidak ada kematian WBC (Tabel 1). Hasil pengukuran bobot seekor brakhiptera WBC sebelum dan setelah 24 jam terpapar ATB sebanyak 30 ulangan didapat bahwa rerata bobot satu individu imago WBC, yaitu 2,1 mg sebelum dan menjadi 0,6 mg setelah terpapar ATB, dimana terjadi penurunan bobot sebesar rata-rata 67,04%. Hasil pengukuran kadar air imago WBC setelah pemaparan ATB signifikan berbeda nyata dengan kontrol (Tabel 3). Kadar air WBC yang diberi pemaparan ATB ternyata sangat rendah, yaitu rerata 4,81%, sementara WBC kontrol sangat tinggi, yaitu rerata 64,94% (Tabel 3)

Pengaruh ATB terhadap jaringan abdomen WBC
Perlakuan Kontrol Perlakuan Kontrol
Pengaruh ATB terhadap kandungan silika dan alumina WBC
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