
The research on Caravagesques paintings’ grounds was conducted as part of an exploratory project: Technique and technology of caravaggisti paintings based on polish museum collections. The project was financed by National Science Centre (2013/09/N/HS2/02116, PRELUDIUM V) and it is a subject of doctoral thesis carried out under prof. Jerzy Nowosielski's guidance. The new aesthetics emerging from the style of Michealangelo Merisi, popularly known as Caravaggio, started a trend of imitating the rules of luminism, new forms and themes among artistic communities of Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany and France. The artists adopted Caravaggio's technique rules although some local artistic traces can be spotted in Caravagesques works. They frequently used thickly woven canvas, often diagonal, to achieve particular artistic effects. The most important aspect of Caravaggio and his imitators' works is the usage of the dark ground, which played a huge role in creating painting's tonal quality and faithfulness to the dramatic effect. The colours of the ground in particular artists' works may vary regarding colour and filler used. By an in-depth examination of paintings we can learn and compare of artist painting workshop working in different areas of Europe, who were under the strong influence of Caravaggio works. The research was based on twenty–three works in the collections of Polish museums. The examination of fillers using a SEM-EDS method conducted on the cross-sections enabled to show similarities and differences between particular layers.

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