
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) affects many women and has a high influence on their self-esteem, being associated with huge discomfort and changes in the routines, especially the sexual life. International guidelines recommend the administration of metronidazole, clindamycin or tinidazole orally or intravaginally as the standard treatment. However, the treatment with these antibiotics is associated with high levels of failure and recurrence rates. These may be associated with antibiotic resistance, the inability to eradicate the polymicrobial biofilms, and failure to reestablish acidic pH and the lactobacillus-dominated commensal flora. Therefore, it is emergent to study alternative strategies to replace or to be combined with standard therapies in order to prevent and treat BV more efficiently. Alternative strategies may include antimicrobial substances (other antimicrobials, antiseptics and natural compounds) or substances that aim to reestablish the physiologic vaginal environment (probiotics, prebiotics and acidifying agents) while improving the local immunity response. Besides, the development of formulation strategies and new dosage forms and drug delivery systems can improve treatment efficacy and overcome some limitations associated with conventional products.

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