
We report a case of a nine-day-old male baby who was born term, spontaneously with normal birth weight, a history of forty-eight hours of premature rupture of membrane, and no history of early-onset sepsis. He suffered from fever followed by a small red bump on his back, which worsened, extended, and became an ulcer in the right axilla. The pediatric surgeon performed the debridement and modern wound care without a skin graft. The pus culture isolated. Staphylococcus aureus, resistant to oxacillin and at least three other non-?-lactam antibiotics. We then administered vancomycin for fourteen days. The patient was discharged after thirty-one days of hospitalization. Multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in neonates can manifest as severe progressive skin and soft tissue disease. However, proper management could deal with the prognosis.

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