Purpose: This study was done to develop competencies and core curriculum for gerontological nursing education in programs towards a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). Methods: From June 2015 to January 2016, competencies and core curriculum from gerontological nursing education in foreign countries were analyzed using a literature review, along with an analysis of the current gerontological nursing curriculum in Korean BSN programs. Competencies and core curriculum of undergraduate nursing education for gerontological nursing were determined through expert panel discussions in the Korean Gerontological Nursing Society. Results: Data were collected from 30 BSN programs in Seoul, Kyunggido, Kangwondo, Chungchungdo, Kyungsangdo, and Jeollado. Compared with the core curriculum for gerontological nursing recommended by the National Gerontological Nursing Association, there were deficiencies in legal/ethical issues, administrative issues, nursing research in gerontological nursing, and care and service delivery. From the data and panel discussion, 13 competencies and core curriculum including 6 contents, 32 programs, and 197 learning objectives were found to be important. Conclusion: Use of the recommended curriculum from this study can address deficiencies in baccalaureate gerontological nursing education, but it is also necessary to develop textbooks based on the recommended 13 competencies and core curriculum including 6 contents, 32 programs, and 197 learning objectives.
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