
Health service facility is a device and / or place used to carry out health service efforts in promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative that carried out by the Central Government, Regional Government and / or the community. Based on the regulation of Indonesia Republic Number: 47 of 2016 concerning Health Service Facilities in article 4 that the types of Health Service Facilities as referred to in article 3 (Health Service Facilities provide health services in the form of individual health services; and / or public health services) consist of independent practice sites health workers, public health centers, clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, blood transfusion units, health laboratories, optics, medical services for legal purposes and traditional health care facilities.Likewise, based on PP No.47 of 2016 which is about the implementation of independent practices of health workers and traditional health service facilities. In this case the government gives the widest possible permits to health workers as long as they fulfill the requirements, Government and Private health facilities in Bogor Regency in 2016. It shows that there will be potential pollution of health facilities waste, if it is reviewed according to Minister of Health Regulation 1204 in of 2015, evaluating the condition of B3-Medical waste management from health facilities and providing policy for service health for managers of B3-Medical Waste in Health Facilities. And the research method is a theoretical research method with the aim of knowing and running the management of B3-Medical waste FasYanKes in Bogor. The results achieved are the process of managing B3-Medical waste from in 4 regions 42 Subdistricts and government hospitals and private hospitals, clinics and others more to management in Bogor district basically has the same process that is from the reduction / sorting of medical and non-medical waste, sorting, transporting waste to polling stations, processing and burial / stockpiling are stored at TPS until full, then the final process of solid medical treatment is carried out through combustion using an incinerator and overall the process of Medical-B3 waste management in Fasyankeas in Bogor Regency is not yet in accordance with the provisions, namely Environment and Forestry Candy Number: P.56 / MenLHK-Setjen / 2015, namely following the procedures and technical requirements for the Management of Hazardous and Toxic Waste from Health Care Facilities 2004. The problem is how to manage B3-Medical Waste according to Minister of Environment Regulation No. 56

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