Yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarindan olan cay fabrikasi atiginin pirolizi uzerine sicaklik (300-900 °C), isitma hizi (10, 50, 90 °C/dk), parcacik boyutu (elekalti-75, 75-250, 250- 500 µm) ve piroliz suresinin (40, 60, 80 dk) etkileri incelenmistir. Calismada, bu dort isletme parametresinden ucu sabit tutularak piroliz islemi gerceklestirilmis ve degisen parametrenin urun verimine ve dagilimina etkisi arastirilmistir. Sonucta; sicaklik degisiminin kati, sivi ve gaz urun verimini onemli oranda etkiledigi; ancak isitma hizi, parcacik boyutu ve piroliz suresinin degisiminin urun verimini cok fazla etkilemedigi gorulmustur. Sicakligin artisiyla kati urun verimi surekli azalirken, sivi urun verimi 550°C’ye kadar artmis bu sicakliktan sonra ise azalmistir. Gaz urun verimi ve gaz urun icindeki H2 ise sicaklik artisiyla surekli olarak artmistir. Cay fabrikasi atigi icin, maksimum sivi urun verimi 550 °C sicaklikta, 50 °C/dk isitma hizinda, 250-500 µm parcacik boyutunda ve 60 dk piroliz suresinde %56.0 olarak elde edilmis ve bu kosullarin, sivi urun verimi icin optimum oldugu gorulmustur. Maksimum gaz urun verimi ise 900 °C sicaklikta, 50 °C/dk isitma hizinda, 250-500 µm parcacik boyutunda ve 60 dk piroliz suresinde %27.8 olarak elde edilmistir. Gaz urun icindeki H2 ve CH4 miktarinin bu kosullarda sirasiyla %28.1 ve %8.3 oldugu belirlenmistir. Cay fabrikasi atiginin pirolizi sonucunda elde edilen sivi urunlerin GC/MS analizleri yapilmistir. Sivi urunlerin buyuk cogunlugunu aseton, fenol ve turevleri ile kafein’in olusturdugu tespit edilmistir. Bu urunlerin yani sira az miktarda da 1,2,3-trimetoksi-5- metil benzen, toluen, pirol, fitol ve parafinik yapida maddelere de rastlanmistir.AbstractThe effects of the temperature (300-900 °C), heating rate (10, 50, 90 °C/min), particle size (75, 75-250,250-500 µm) and residence time (40, 60, 80min) on the pyrolysis of the tea factory waste, which is one of the renewable energy resources, were investigated. In this study, three of the parameters among these four operating parameters were kept constant when the pyrolysis experiment was carried out. Moreover, the effects of the variable parameter on the yield of the products and distribution of the products were studied. The results indicated that the changes in temperature affected sharply the yield of the char, liquid, and gaseous products; whereas changes in heating rate, particle size, and residence time did not affect much the yield of products. The yield of char product decreased continuously parallel to increases in temperature, on the other hand the yield of liquid product increased until 550 °C and then decreased after this temperature. Both the yield of gaseous product and the H2 in this product increased continuously parallel to increases in temperature. The maximum liquid yield of 56% was obtained for the tea factory waste at the pyrolysis temperature of 550 °C, particle size range of 250-500 µm, with a heating rate of 50 °C/min and a residence time of 60 min. Furthermore, it is observed that these conditions were the optimum for the yield of liquid product. The maximum gaseous yield of 27.8% was obtained for the tea factory waste at the pyrolysis temperature of 900 °C, particle size range of 250-500 µm, with a heating rate of 50 °C/min and a residence time of 60 min. The yield of H2 and CH4 in the gas product was in these conditions at 28.1% and 8.3%, respectively. GC/MS analysis of liquid products, which were obtained from the pyrolysis of tea factory waste, were carried out. It is found that acetone, phenol and phenolic compounda, caffeine constituted the majority of the liquid products. Beside these products 1,2,3-trimethoxy-5-methyl benzene, toluene, pyrol, fitol and parranfin compounds were observed in little amounts.
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