
The axons of two receptor types will be considered in this chapter: the rapidly adapting mechanoreceptor in the dermis of the glabrous skin of the cat’s foot and toe pads, and the Pacinian corpuscle, found in the subcutaneous tissue under and near to the glabrous skin of the foot and toe pads. By definition the rapidly adapting pad receptors are limited to the glabrous skin, and in fact the receptor organ, the Krause corpuscle or end bulb, is also limited to glabrous skin. Pacinian corpuscles are, of course, found in many places in addition to the subcutaneous tissue associated with the foot and toe pads. For example they are found in subcutaneous tissue in hairy regions of the body, in interosseous ligaments and in the mesentery. It is, therefore, somewhat arbitrary to include them in this chapter. However, clusters of Pacinian corpuscles are associated with the foot and toe pads and they may be very easily excited from the glabrous skin.

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