
HighlightsThe flow behavior of water jets discharged from different orifices was investigated.High-speed photography (HSP) was used to obtain surface structures and spread characteristics of water jets.The deformation process in axis switching related to the corner vortices effect of non-circular jets was researched by numerical simulation.The axis switching of non-circular jets enhances entrainment ability of the jet.ABSTRACT. Low-intermediate pressure sprinkler irrigation systems are important research topics in the field of water-saving irrigation. Non-circular nozzles improve spray uniformity at lower pressures and are key components of sprinkler irrigation systems. In this article, the behavior of discharged water jets from nozzles with circular, square, and equilateral triangular orifices designed with the same flow rate was investigated. High-speed photography (HSP) was used to capture jet characteristics in the near field (z<20D). The largest spread angle was obtained for the square jet, which was on average 37% larger than that of the circular jet. In addition, numerical simulations were performed to analyze the axis-switching process using the large-eddy simulation (LES) method and the coupled level-set and volume of fluid (CLSVOF) method. The axis-switching phenomenon was observed in non-circular jets, in which surrounding air mixed with the jet and promoted the formation of thin diaphragm structures. The deformation process that occurs in axis switching is described according to the simulated vorticity and velocity fields. The research results suggest the axis-switching phenomenon is induced by corner vortex motions produced by the polygonal orifice, which accelerate the decay of the axial velocity and increase the jet entrainment rate. Thus, the effect of corner vortices should be considered in the design of polygonal nozzles. Keywords: Axis switching, High-speed photography, Liquid jet, Low-intermediate pressure sprinkler irrigation, Non-circular nozzle, Numerical simulation.

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