
This scientific research examines the issues related to the axiological aspect of the professional training of future teachers. The relevance of the stated research topic is determined by the urgent necessity to increase the importance of high-quality professional training of future representatives of pedagogical professions, in the context of changes taking place in the modern education system. The purpose of this research work is to identify and state the main components of the axiological aspect of the professional training of future workers in the pedagogical industry, which is able to impart integrity to the entire process of their training. The leading approach in this scientific study is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches to the study of issues related to the axiological aspect of the professional training of future workers in the pedagogical industry, in order to determine the main components of the factors affecting the quality and effectiveness of this training and further professional activities of teachers. The main results of this research work were: a statement of the necessity to develop and take a set of measures to clarify the existing value criteria of the education system to future teachers at the stage of their university preparation, as well as the acceptance of the fact of the need for the constant practice of future teachers in instilling in students respect for existing values in the context modern education system. The applied value of this study is determined by the possibility and urgent need to apply in practice the recommendations obtained as a result in order to get practical outcomes expressed in a real increase in the quality of professional training of future teachers, primarily in terms of increasing the value of their profession and their awareness of the value orientation of their activities. Further scientific research within the framework of the stated topic will help to fully reveal the essence of the axiological approach to the system of professional training of future teachers and supplement the existing ideas about the value of teacher education, in the context of the real state of affairs in the modern education system in Ukraine.

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