
Dental implants have been a life-enhancing modality for partially and completely edentulous patients. Implants can successfully support a cemented or screw-retained single crown. However, this modality is not without complications. Despite the high success rate of implants, it is not free of complications and dental implants occasionally fail due to biological factors or technical complications.The technical problems of implant-based restoration components including abutment screw fracture and peri-implantitis are deeply related to dental implant system failure, and an increase in related complications are also being reported.A set of 12 questions was formulated and distributed among the study. The participants were asked to fill the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in an online forum. A total of 100 validated entries were collected. Data was entered into Microsoft Excel and analysed in SPSSV20. Associations between categorical variables were determined using Chi-square. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant.69.6% of the participants believe that screw loosening is the most common complication in single tooth implant.57% of the participants responded screw loosening might lead to screw fracture.50% of the participants responded screw fracture occurs at a rate of 1-5%.31 of the participants believe management of screw fracture can occur through implant removal and retreatment, fabrication of cemented cast cast and pore,screw fragment retrieval.82% of the participants are aware about the screw removal kit. Thus awareness on management of screw fracture among dental students and practitioners was established.

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