
Green consumerism is linked to sustainable development or sustainable consumer behaviour. It is a way of living that safeguards the environment for both the current generation and the one to come. It holds consumers accountable or shares accountability for addressing environmental issues through the adoption of environmentally friendly practices, such as the use of organic products, clean energy, and the decision to purchase goods made by businesses with little to no environmental impact. The promotion of sustainable economic growth is anticipated to be fueled by green development. "Green consumerism" is the term used to describe the consumer demand for goods and services that were created in a way that was ecologically friendly, particularly one that involved recycling and safeguarding the planet's resources. Or, to put it another way, green consumerism is the creation, promotion, and usage of goods and services based on their favorable effects on the environment. The two main factors influencing consumers' green purchase behaviour have been identified as their environmental concern and the functional qualities of the products. The primary predictors of consumers’ green purchase behaviour are discussed in the article with the help of data collected and analyzed. In this research study, a total number of 521 usable questionnaires were collected from the respondents around the world and mostly from India. A total of twenty-one questions were asked from the month of February 2023 to April 2023. Data analysis, utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, highlights the predictors of consumers' green purchase behavior, contributing valuable insights to the understanding of sustainable consumer choices.

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