
The Brejos de Altitude are enclaves of high-altitude Atlantic Forest surrounded by the Caatinga, presenting high species richness and endemism. Therefore, this study aimed to characterize the avifauna in forest remnants of the Brejos de Altitude in the state of Pernambuco: the Vale do Tabocas Farm and the RPPN Reserva Natural Brejo. Using mist-nets captures and direct observations, we recorded 211 species of birds, including 28% forest-dependent species. Four taxa endemic to the Pernambuco Center, two to the Atlantic Forest, six to the Caatinga, and 14 to the northeastern region were recorded. Eight threatened taxa were also recorded. Insectivores (44%) and omnivores (25%) were the most representative trophic guilds. Although the Vale do Tabocas fragment presented the lowest species richness, it holds more endangered and endemic species. These results indicate the importance of these forest fragments for local bird diversity maintenance and their conservation must be encouraged.

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