
We consider average-cost Markov decision processes (MDPs) with Borel state and action spaces and universally measurable policies. For the nonnegative cost model and an unbounded cost model with a Lyapunov-type stability character, we introduce a set of new conditions under which we prove the average cost optimality inequality (ACOI) via the vanishing discount factor approach. Unlike most existing results on the ACOI, our result does not require any compactness and continuity conditions on the MDPs. Instead, the main idea is to use the almost-uniform-convergence property of a pointwise convergent sequence of measurable functions as asserted in Egoroff's theorem. Our conditions are formulated in order to exploit this property. Among others, we require that for each state, on selected subsets of actions at that state, the state transition stochastic kernel is majorized by finite measures. We combine this majorization property of the transition kernel with Egoroff's theorem to prove the ACOI.

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